AS 6194 – AS 6195 charge controller
Accommodation station for charging floor heaters with four (AS 6194) or two (AS 6195) control circuits
The Production and support of this charging controller will soon be discontinued.
Sale will only be available while stocks last.
The AS 6194 and AS 6195 are charge controllers (accommodation stations) featuring ultra modern technology. The AS 6194 detects up to four and the AS 6195 two separate heating circuits in a floor heating system. The controllers calculate as a function of the reference values, the weather temperature (AS 6190), and the residual heat (RF-N-1 residual heat sensor) the charge volume for every single circuit. The charging controllers are pin-compatible with the models AS 5194 and AS 5195.
- Settable end temperature 30 °C – 60 °C
- Configurable charge volume for user and additional
- user charge activation on each circuit
- Adapter terminals
- Switch status display
When replacing an old AS 5194 or AS 5195 with a new AS 6194 or AS 6195 the AS 5190 central unit must be replaced with a new AS 6190. Other old AS 5194/95 can then be operated on the new AS 6190.